Ice Houses
Radio Club
Sugar Beets
Kendrick Park
Sheridan Star
Ice Skating
Sheridan Musicians

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This is an old stereoscope photo of Buffalo Bill Cody, abt. 1900 in Sheridan in front of the gun repair shop which was owned by Milt Cunningham's grandfather.

Submitted by Milt Cunningham, 1941

Milt Cunningham, 1941:
Did you know that at one time much of Sheridan was paved with wooden blocks? When I was young it was still left on some streets. One crossed Lewis St. at the foot of the hill.

They were larger than a clay brick -- 4 inches by 4 by 6. Not sure. They were soaked with creosote and laid like brick paving. What I recall is the blisters in the streets where they had eventually soaked up water and swelled into little mounds that always came to a point with one or two blocks forced out and lying on the road. I wish I had
picked up and saved a couple.

Early car doors did not have double latches. My mother driving our 1924? Chevy rounded the turn, picking up speed for the climb up the hill. I was asleep against the door. I suppose my weight shifted at the turn, the door flew open, and I summersaulted right out. Of course, it badly scared my mom. I think I was unhurt partially because I lit
on those wooden blocks. I recall the incident.